Roy E. and Irene S. Roby Scholarship

The Roy E. and Irene S. Roby Scholarship was created to support students in the Anthropology program in the College of Humanities and Sciences, and the Department of Painting and Printmaking in the School of Arts (VCUarts). In odd-numbered years, the scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate rising sophomore, rising junior or rising senior in the Department of Painting and Printmaking, with preference for a student majoring in painting in good academic standing pursuing a degree. In even numbered years the scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate rising sophomore, rising junior, or rising senior in good academic standing pursuing a degree in the Anthropology program. Preference will be given to students who have interest in Native American indigenous culture. To discern the best applicant from the pool, students may be asked to answer an essay question about their interest in Native indigenous culture and history.

College of Humanities and Sciences, VCU Foundation
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit an essay of no more than 500 words describing your interest in Native American indigenous culture and history.