21st Century Communications Scholarship

The 21st Century Communications Scholarship was created by the members of the Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture’s National Advisory Board to attract the nation’s best and most creative secondary school students to the School. The scholarship will be awarded annually and may be renewed annually upon review of the recipient’s performance. This scholarship will be awarded based on demonstrated merit, an assessment of the applicant’s promise for academic success, and an applicant’s statement of desire to succeed at the School and in a mass communications profession.

Please note: If the current recipient is renewed per the terms of this scholarship, applications to the current cycle will not be considered. We do encourage applications during each cycle should the current recipient not be renewed.

1,000 to 2,000
College of Humanities and Sciences, Richard T. Robertson School of Communication, VCU Foundation
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit a double-spaced essay of approximately 500 words describing the applicant's professional aspirations, participation in campus activities and leadership roles, and other characteristics distinguishing you as a potential recipient of this award.