Mark D. Barban, D.D.S. Scholarship Fund

Dr. Mark Barban was born Nov. 16, 1953, in Cape Charles, Va. He died on Sept. 30, 2002, after a courageous battle with cancer. Barban graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1977, the VCU School of Pharmacy in 1979 and the VCU School of Dentistry in 1985. In addition to his dental practice, which he maintained from graduation until his death, Barban was active with the Richmond Dental Society, serving on numerous committees as well as the board of directors. He was a founding member of the Midlothian Study Club and a member of the Appolonia Dental Study Club. Barban was active as a clinical instructor at the VCU School of Dentistry and provided charitable dental services through Missions of Mercy, Donated Dental Services, CARITAS and other organizations. Despite various professional commitments, Barban found time to hunt and fish as well as participate in Indian Guides, sponsor and coach Chesterfield Little League and earn his black belt in taekwondo. Those who knew him remember his quick wit, depth of character, strong intellect and dedication to his friends. The fund was created after Barban’s dental classmates, family friends and others responded to an initial anonymous challenge gift. The original donation sought to honor a good friend and dentist. In order to memorialize Barban’s strength of character and uncompromising ethics, the school awards this scholarship to dental students who display these attributes, who are in good academic standing and who are on a proven path of success.

School of Dentistry
Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe how you possess high ethical standards.
  2. Describe how you may be considered a person of outstanding character.
  3. Are you from the Eastern Shore of Virginia?
  4. Do you have a background in pharmacy?