Alan Vance Briceland Scholarship

The Alan Vance Briceland Scholarship was established by Alan Briceland, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history.

  • The scholarship will be awarded to a male student (open to all students who identify as male and/or non-binary) majoring in history who has, within the previous calendar year, received an ‘A’ in History 300, Introduction to Historical Study.
  • The scholarship will be awarded to the student demonstrating the greatest degree of “historical mindedness;” that is, a realist view of how historical processes work, of what in the past is significant and what is parochial, and evidence of a sense that a knowledge of history is a useful and practical tool for improving people’s quality of life in the 21st century.

Students do not apply for this scholarship. All nominations and selections are by History Department faculty and committees. Non-binary students are eligible to be considered for the Alan Vance Briceland Scholarship and the Penelope Warren Briceland Scholarship (

500 to 1,500
College of Humanities and Sciences, VCU Foundation