Study abroad program name and/or name of host institution
Intended dates of study abroad participation
In an essay of no more than 500 words, please provide information on your ability to fund your study abroad experience. Explain in detail why you need this scholarship to participate on the program.
Describe what changed in your finances for you to request "emergency funding" via this Summer Abroad Access Fund.
How much funding is necessary to prevent you from withdrawing from your study abroad program? Please describe how you will use the Summer Abroad Access Fund monies, if awarded.
Please describe your current financial aid. Have you accepted all of your available financial aid, including loans (federal and private)?
Please upload a screenshot of your estimated financial aid award from VCU Self Service. Please see instructions here.
If you don’t get the Summer Abroad Access Fund scholarship, will you still go on your intended study abroad program, and how do you plan to cover the cost?
I understand that by applying for funding through VCU Education Abroad I am not guaranteed to receive support and that my completed application will be evaluated through a competitive process. I understand that, if selected, I will be notified and asked to confirm my interest in receiving the award. I agree to notify the Education Abroad office in writing if I no longer wish to be considered for a scholarship. Students who no longer wish to be considered for the scholarship should email By digitally signing this document, I acknowledge that both my personal reputation and the reputation of the University can benefit from the manner in which I represent myself and VCU. I will do everything within my control to safeguard my good name and that of VCU throughout my experience abroad. As required under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), commonly known as FERPA, I hereby give permission for my scholarship application, including but not limited to grade point average (GPA), transcripts, essays, and individual course grades, to be used and discussed with VCU faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. I grant permission for VCU to use my biographical information to publicize my nomination for this award and my receipt of this award, should I be selected. I also hereby certify that I have no Honor Code convictions or pending investigations with respect to academic integrity and all of the information I include in my application for this award are my own work and are accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge. If I receive a scholarship, I agree to: Register my study abroad program with VCU Education Abroad by the appropriate registration deadline. Furthermore, I acknowledge that all of my statements on the application are complete and accurate to the best of my ability.
Please be aware that the receipt of any additional aid, including scholarships, may impact your financial aid package. If there are any questions, please talk to your VCU financial aid counselor (you can locate via Navigate) before submitting your application. Please confirm that you have read this information.